11 ways to strangle personal growth
1 min readJun 21, 2021
Personal growth compounds. It builds over time from an ever increasing base.
Here are 11 things that slows growth or chips away at the base:
- Stop being curious.
- Stop seeking out mentors and advice.
- Drugs, excessive alcohol and other bad habits.
- Social media and other distractions.
- Netflix and late nights.
- Overcommitting time and energy to something that clearly isn’t working.
- Stop exercising.
- Push away your partners, friends and the people that help keep you accountable.
- Think dreams are equal to goals.
- Become overconfident or insecure in what you’re doing.
- Stop reading.
At Thermopylae in 480 B.C., the Persian king Xerxes, at the head of an army of 2 million men, demanded of the Spartan king Leonidas that he and his 4000 defenders lay down their arms. Leonidas responded in two words: “Molon labe.”
“Come and take them.”
~ Steven Pressfield, The Warrior Ethos
Photo by Kai Pilger on Unsplash